Made in France

Embroidered Sachet Lavender Flowers large


Embroidered Sachet with Provence Lavender Flowers – Large Bag 57g

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Embroidered Sachet Lavender Flowers

A long time ago in Provence our ancestors left sachets of dried Lavender flowers in wardrobes to diffuse its fragrance and to keep moths away.
Since then, we continue to fill those Lavender sachets that we leave in cupboards, drawers or any place where th scent would be pleasant (car, suitcase…)
Lavender flowers are also strongly associated with marriage. Throwing armfuls of Lavender is a promise for happiness, peace and passion to the bride and groom.
Placing a bouquet of flowers under the newlyweds mattress ensures passion and placing a lavender sachet into the bride’s trousseau ensures a happy marriage and progeny.


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